Category: Modern workplace adoption

Working with Saved Messages in Microsoft Teams

19th February, 2020

Microsoft Teams is revolutionising how we communicate with a company. It speeds up working together, allows fast collaboration and retains business knowledge within a place that isn’t lost when someone leaves the organisation. One problem though is information overload and managing which conversations you still need to get back to…! Luckily you can mark a […]

Uninstall Microsoft Teams cleanly

22nd January, 2020

Teams Cache Cleaner Try this one last time… Start PowerShell as Admin and run: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Processtaskkill /IM teams.exe /F /TGet-ChildItem -Path ([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(“%AppData%\Microsoft\Teams”)) -Directory | ? { $_ -in (‘blob_storage’,’Cache’,’Application Cache’,’Code Cache’,’databases’,’GPUCache’,’IndexedDB’,”) } | % {Remove-Item $_.FullName -Recurse -Force}Get-ChildItem -Path ([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(“%AppData%\Microsoft\Teams\meeting-addin”)) -Directory | ? { $_ -in (‘Cache’,”) } | % {Remove-Item $_.FullName […]

Renamed Channels in Teams

18th December, 2019

Overview In case you hadn’t noticed, we here at Nero Blanco do a lot of migrations.  We are fully immersed in tenant-to-tenant migrations these days and we are always seeing and learning interesting issues.  Like Microsoft Teams Channels that have been renamed in the Team itself. Most people now by now that a Team is […]

FindTime – by Microsoft

27th September, 2018

Booking a meeting?  Need to find available times? We work with a multitude of different clients from the pre-sales process, thru to implementation and project closure.  Very often there are many stakeholders but getting everyone together at a time that suits is often tricky.  Every attempted scheduled meeting takes precious time, be it through calling […]

Offering Remote Help in Windows

26th June, 2018

One of our clients recently asked to present all their options for Remote Support to their end-users.  This organisation, like many others is always keen to keep costs down and has opted not to use a third-party solution, but instead to leverage existing native tools. To that end we put together a list of the […]

OneDrive – Files on Demand

25th October, 2017

Window 1709 (Fall Creators) has a great new feature called Files on Demand.  It is a OneDrive feature that we actually talked to Microsoft about at Ignite in 2015.  Basically it makes OneDrive more like other file syncing tools, where the file names and directory structure is always shown but the file content may or […]

Allowing # and & in OneDrive for Business

2nd October, 2017

At Microsoft Ignite 2017 they mentioned that OneDrive does now allow # (hash) and & (ampersand) but it needs to be configured on the tenant.  If your current setting is NoPreference meaning Microsoft will roll it out when it feels like it.  If you want these characters accepted earlier then it can be set with  […]

Outlook now asks for attachment type

22nd May, 2017

A new feature is coming in Outlook which will make some of you very happy indeed…  If you have been using Outlook with Office 365 and have added cloud attachments, i.e. the default up to now, by mistake then this will be for you! Finally no more accidental sending of cloud documents and people coming […]