Category: Blog

PowerShell Get-History

20th February, 2020

One command that I love to use in PowerShell is Get-History. It retrieves all of the commands that you have run in this session. You can use the id and count parameters to pick a single command or a number of commands including and prior to the id e.g. Get-History -id 10 -count 5 gets […]

Working with Saved Messages in Microsoft Teams

19th February, 2020

Microsoft Teams is revolutionising how we communicate with a company. It speeds up working together, allows fast collaboration and retains business knowledge within a place that isn’t lost when someone leaves the organisation. One problem though is information overload and managing which conversations you still need to get back to…! Luckily you can mark a […]

Uninstall Microsoft Teams cleanly

22nd January, 2020

Teams Cache Cleaner Try this one last time… Start PowerShell as Admin and run: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Processtaskkill /IM teams.exe /F /TGet-ChildItem -Path ([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(“%AppData%\Microsoft\Teams”)) -Directory | ? { $_ -in (‘blob_storage’,’Cache’,’Application Cache’,’Code Cache’,’databases’,’GPUCache’,’IndexedDB’,”) } | % {Remove-Item $_.FullName -Recurse -Force}Get-ChildItem -Path ([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(“%AppData%\Microsoft\Teams\meeting-addin”)) -Directory | ? { $_ -in (‘Cache’,”) } | % {Remove-Item $_.FullName […]

Renamed Channels in Teams

18th December, 2019

Overview In case you hadn’t noticed, we here at Nero Blanco do a lot of migrations.  We are fully immersed in tenant-to-tenant migrations these days and we are always seeing and learning interesting issues.  Like Microsoft Teams Channels that have been renamed in the Team itself. Most people now by now that a Team is […]

Efficient Lookups in PowerShell

21st November, 2019

When writing scripts in PowerShell we often need to do a lookup in another dataset. Of course one way is to use an external tool like Excel with VLOOKUP or SQL Server with its joins and produce a data set that can be used in PowerShell without any lookups, but sometimes this just isn’t practical. […]

Active Directory: Source has exceeded the tombstone lifetime

19th June, 2019

I was working with a client recently who had various Active Directory replication issues. They had a multi-domain forest in Windows Server 2008 R2 functional levels. Now the two fundamental errors were DNS zones duplicated between the domains (including the zones used by the subdomains) Network firewalls between the domain controllers One big call out […]

Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migrations

13th June, 2019

Given the growth of Microsoft Office 365, tenant-to-tenant migrations were inevitable and have become more and more frequent.

Tenant-to-tenant migrations have essentially become the new Exchange and AD migrations we all know and love from the last 15 years.

If an Office 365 tenant-to-tenant migration is on your horizon then you are going to have to rely on good planning, 3rd party tools, manual tools and IT Consulting Services from trusted professionals, and that’s where Nero Blanco comes in.

Protecting Office 365 identities on a shoestring

28th March, 2019

We hear about identity theft and protection all the time in IT. For Office 365 there are number of things you can do to help protect your organisation The flagship approach from Microsoft is Microsoft 365, which is a suite of products that together work in harmony. However harmony and simplicity does cost… Microsoft 365 […]