Category: Exchange migrations

Exchange Online, On Premise for Small, Midsized Businesses – The Costs

23rd May, 2016

Exchange Online is of course part of Office 365 and people are migrating to it in droves. The attractions from a feature perspective are obvious, for a mere £8 a month small businesses (under 300 users) can get all of the following Exchange Online SharePoint Online OneDrive Skype for Business Exchange Online Protection Office 2016 […]

How can I reduce SPAM for my domains?

6th May, 2016

As any mail administrator will know SPAM is rampant on the Internet.  I’ve work in organizations where over 95% of all mail received at the perimeter is dropped as SPAM mail… In previous blogs we have looked at the Sender Protection Framework (SPF) and DomainKey Identified Mail (DKIM).  Now it is time to look at […]

Marking email as Private

6th March, 2016

Tagging a message as private (this doesn’t prevent sharing or printing) If you just want to let people know that you’d like them to treat your email as private, you can tag it as such. This doesn’t stop them from forwarding or printing your message. Instead, it includes “Please treat this as Private” at the […]

Deleting an Outlook Profile

4th March, 2016

We’ve all been there.  The time comes when we resort to deleting the Outlook Profile and simply start again.   For IT Professionals this is pretty straight forward and we understand the implications of doing so – and the inevitable new OST download.  If you are a big user of email, this could be a pretty […]

The BEST reason to keep a Hybrid Exchange Server

15th January, 2016

We are often asked about should I have a Hybrid Server (be that for administration only or for full Hybrid)  and so last year we blogged TEN good reasons to keep a Hybrid Exchange Server. We left out the best and most important one, which is that Microsoft do not support making changes to Exchange related attributes […]

Outlook “Quick Wins”

18th December, 2015

Often in the world of Notes to Exchange migrations we run into resistance at all levels at the organisation, but never more so than the incumbent Messaging Admins themselves.  The best way around this is sell this as a new skill to learn at the opportunity to become dual skilled at two Messaging Platforms. If […]

Configuring IBM Lotus Domino Server for SNMP

4th December, 2015

At a recent client engagement, we were asked to configure Domino for SNMP monitoring and alerting – Simple Network Management Protocol Now, whilst there are some enterprise tools available for Domino Monitoring like GSX and Microsoft SCOM Management packs sometimes a free tool will give you enough of what you need.  This […]

Just How Private are Lotus Notes Private Items?

26th November, 2015

Lotus Notes Private Items, Read Receipts and Encryption Following on from my colleague Twan’s brilliant blog on Private Items in Outlook / Exchange,  (see here ->  ) we thought we would put together a similar one on Lotus Notes. My colleague Neil Langston already touched on parts of this with his equally brilliant Blog on detecting […]

After migration stop users sending email from Lotus Notes

3rd October, 2015

There are a number things needed to send email from Notes when you have local mailfiles.   Local Notes client:- (1) local (2) local mailfile.nsf (3) server mailfile.nsf – not explicitly needed.   Server:- (4)   If you restrict access to the mailfile (2) by making the user have Reader or NoAccess all you […]

How private are private items in Exchange

9th August, 2015

We sometimes get asked how private are private items? The short answer is not very…  private items is an Outlook and OWA concept and NOT an Exchange concept.  Exchange has no item level security model, only mailbox and folder level. So what does this mean? This means that unless you can force people to only access […]

Convert Mailbox to Linked Mailbox

17th July, 2015

When performing an AD migration it is sometimes necessary to make the mailbox a linked mailbox so that the migrated user can continue to use their email.  When searching online I found the official answer from Microsoft which is to disable-mailbox and then connect-mailbox, however this loses all of the Exchange related attributes.  Of course you […]