Category: Domino migrations

Least access model

11th April, 2015

for Lotus Notes to Exchange data migrations In many organisations to achieve accessing mail data for a migration you add the Lotus Notes Migration ID to the administrators group of the domain(s). However, when requesting 3rd party trusted migration experts like Nero Blanco to perform the migration, you may not like the exposure to data […]

Domino Routing Rules – Binary Tree Coexistence Solutions

27th March, 2015

Exchange to Domino Routing Rules specifically relating to Binary Tree Coexistence Solutions Introduction This document seeks to identify the potential pitfalls of Inbound SMTP routing to Domino in a Coexistence environment, particularly when using a static targetAddress that is built by a Directory Synchronisation solution. Routing from Exchange/Office 365 to Domino In a Binary Tree […]

Migrate from Lotus Notes

1st August, 2014

It’s a stampede… In my humble opinion I believe that IBM could have saved themselves from the juggernaut of Notes to Exchange Migrations. More accurately stated, it is in fact “Domino to Exchange” and “Notes to Outlook” migrations. Why is that relevant? The fact of the matter is that user’s actually don’t care about mail […]

Permissons and Delegations – Lotus Notes vs Outlook

25th July, 2014

Lotus Notes ACL & Delegation versus Outlook Permissions & Delegation – Part 1   By Conrad Murray Introduction Delegate Access is most commonly used between a manager and assistant, where the assistant (delegate) is responsible for processing the manager’s incoming meeting requests or email messages and coordinating the manager’s schedule. Delegate Access can be used […]

Domino Directory Cataloger (dircat) does not replicate updates

11th July, 2014

In a large organisation I found that a domino directory catalog consolidating about 5 large domino directories did not have all documents replicating and was completely out of sync….   There are a variety of reason why directory catalogues are used. For most organisations it is simply to have a consolidated directory from multiple domino directories to […]

Avoiding and converting winmail.dat Files

27th June, 2014

Avoiding winmail.dat files in Domino   It’s happened to most Notes users at one time or another: someone who uses Outlook sends you an e-mail, and instead of getting a nicely formatted message with an attachment, you end up with some plain text and a big file at the end called either “Winmail.dat” or “ATT0001.dat” […]

Configuring TLS between Domino and Exchange

21st June, 2014

Introduction In the modern messaging world Transport Layer Security has become the norm and given the ease at which Microsoft Exchange is able to achieve this out of the box, organisations quite rightly demand this when they are on Coexistence mode between IBM Domino and Microsoft Exchange. Up to Domino 8.5.x Domino does not actually […]

Detecting private folders – targeted communications

13th June, 2014

There is a common misconception with the user community that Private Folders in Lotus Notes constitute making emails or calendar secure in some way.     Unfortunately, there is nothing really private about them; only the creator of a private folder can see the folder in the navigator, others cannot. If the owner moves a document […]