Posts Tagged: Microsoft

WPC 2016 download via PowerShell

21st July, 2016

Hi all!!! We’ve just come back from WPC in Toronto, and as first time attendees we were blown away. Not so much by the scale of it, which is impressive in itself but not dissimilar to MEC and Ignite, but the sheer quantity of information available. You can choose to do sessions, arrange formal 1:1 […]

EMEA Partner of the Year 2016

20th July, 2016

Binary Tree has awarded Nero Blanco the honour of EMEA Partner of the Year 2016.   We are humbled to receive this award from Binary Tree, and look forward to continuing our close working relationship with them.   Many thanks to everyone in Binary Tree for creating the software, services and channel to allow us […]

A journey through Microsoft

23rd June, 2016

I thought I’d write about the various programs that are available through Microsoft and Nero Blanco’s journey so far…  It may help other partners choose their track and or make them aware of what is out there. Individual Certification It all started with us as consultants looking to increase our knowledge of the products.  My […]

What is this signed by DKIM

8th April, 2016 What is this signed by Microsoft has introduced a new feature called DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).  What this does is it takes the body of the email and uses that content to sign the email with a digital signature.  This then allows a receiving mail server to verify that the message has arrived […]

Marking email as Private

6th March, 2016

Tagging a message as private (this doesn’t prevent sharing or printing) If you just want to let people know that you’d like them to treat your email as private, you can tag it as such. This doesn’t stop them from forwarding or printing your message. Instead, it includes “Please treat this as Private” at the […]

Microsoft Ignite 2015

15th May, 2015

Back from Microsoft Ignite, great conference but to be honest it was a bit too big really. 25,000 attendees and the venue was enormous!  The food was pretty dire, there were long queues for transportation and the hotels were a long way from the venue.  All in all it was a very tiring week and […]