Posts Tagged: SharePoint

Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migrations

13th June, 2019

Given the growth of Microsoft Office 365, tenant-to-tenant migrations were inevitable and have become more and more frequent.

Tenant-to-tenant migrations have essentially become the new Exchange and AD migrations we all know and love from the last 15 years.

If an Office 365 tenant-to-tenant migration is on your horizon then you are going to have to rely on good planning, 3rd party tools, manual tools and IT Consulting Services from trusted professionals, and that’s where Nero Blanco comes in.

SharePoint visible to unlicensed users

31st December, 2018

As the title says there is a little known ‘feature’ in SharePoint.  Basically SharePoint has no licence associated with it.  Any users created in your Azure AD will have access to SharePoint as along as the SharePoint permissions allow it.  So if you use the All Users excluding Guests then even an unlicensed user in […]

Uploading Microsoft Office Templates to SharePoint

27th February, 2018

Introduction We have a current client that deal directly with blind and partially sighted people.  They have a customised Word Template where the default normal font must be Arial size 14 with Headings etc additionally edited for their needs as well.  (We also know many other client that use lovely nice corporate (paid-for) branding and […]