Exchange PowerShell Quickstart – Part 3

Exchange PowerShell Quickstart – Part 3

Over the past two weeks we have covered connecting to Exchange and discovering cmdlets in part 1, and we explored the pipeline in part 2. This week we will be talking about hash tables, arrays and variables.

Hash Tables

The easiest way to picture a hash table is a list of attributes and their respective value. E.g. in Active Directory each object has a list of attributes like distinguishedName, mail, Name, etc. In Powershell this would be a single hash table with the keys being the attribute names and the values being the value for each key. When you get a single mailbox then the resulting object is like a hash table, as in it has a set of properties and each property has a value. You can refer to the value of a property by using a dot and the name. e.g.

(get-mailbox 'someone special').FirstName

In order to manually create a hash table you would use the @{ } symbols to declare it. For example

$hashtable = @{ 'key1' = 'value1'; 'key2' = 'value2' }

The great thing about hash tables is being able to refer to each value by name


An array is like a hash table but the attributes have numbers rather than names. In order to manually create an array you would use the @( ) symbols to declare it. For example

$array = @( 'value1', 'value2' )

Notice that the difference between the symbols used for an array versus a hashtable is only the type of brackets used. This can be very confusing when debugging a script.

Array of Hash Tables

Now when a cmdlet returns multiple results then the answer can be thought of as an array of hash tables. i.e. each row is a hash table and you can get at each row like you do in an array. For example

$mailboxes = Get-Mailbox a*

Now strictly speaking what the Exchange cmdlets return is a mailbox object which isn’t 100% a hashtable but it functions close enough to one for the comparison to work (and for me it made things clearer when I thought of them as hash tables)


The observent ones amongst you will have noticed the $ symbols prefixing a name in the above examples. They are variables, and they are the way to retain results in memory and then manipulate them. To determine the type of variable it is we can use the gettype() method


Now variables can simply be used as above without specifically saying what type they are. Powershell will manage the type for you, but there are some side affects..

$a = '1'
$a = $a + 1

results in ’11’, whereas

[int]$a = '1'
$a = $a + 1

results in 2

So you do need to be careful when using variables.

There are a handful of built in variables and I’ve listed the most commonly used ones below for ease of reference

$_The results of the previous command on the pipeline
$?true or false depending on the success of the previous command
$trueThe boolean true
$falseThe boolean false
$nulla NULL or unassigned value
$errorAn array of all of the previous errors
$envA way to get to the DOS environment variables, e.g. $env:path

One useful tip with variables…  don’t abbreviate them…   Your code is so much more meaningful if you choose names that make sense and are readable.  For arrays I always use plural names to signify more than one item, e.g. $mailboxes rather than $mbx.  That way when you see foreach( $mailbox in $mailboxes ) it makes sense, whereas foreach( $i in $mbx ) is harder to understand without a wider context…

This concludes the overview of variables, arrays and hash tables in PowerShell, next week we will look at flow control and error handling, so that we can start to build simple but robust PowerShell scripts!

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